Personal Realization of the Benefit of Setting Personal Goals
I wanted to write today about setting goals that are more personal. That are focused not on your practice building but on your self care. On things that make you, YOU. On things that inspire you. Things you’ve always wanted to do.
What I Realized That Was Huge For Me (In Many Different Ways)
For a long while throughout my life, I tended to focus outside of myself. And as a result, I would end up saying yes to things I didn’t want to do. Or, I wouldn’t say yes or no, I would just stay stuck. Then one day I was on a trip (that I honestly didn’t really want to be on but felt obligated). And while on this trip, many things happened that validated all the reasons why I didn’t want to go in the first place. (Has this ever happened to you?)
My norm during these situations was that I would just take it so to speak. Feel like I didn’t have a choice in the matter. That I had to be there to please others and that was the way it was. Until I woke up. Until I pushed myself past the exhaustion I felt – emotional exhaustion that was creating physical tiredness in me – until I pushed myself past this moment of emotional/physical drain and took a step and did something I had been wanting to do. Something that was just for me. And I did. I left that environment and did what I had been wanting to do, a goal I had set in my head, for some time but never did until then.
And when I accomplished this, I felt so good! All of the stressors were still there but I felt different. Inside of me felt different. I wasn’t controlled by outside circumstances. And when I left that trip, I didn’t just have tales of all of the stress that happened. It was actually the total opposite. I didn’t really have a need to focus on all of the things I couldn’t control. All of the negative things that were weighing me down. I actually just felt really good and that’s what I focused on when I left the trip. It really made a huge impact on me.
This is what I want to offer you. What goals do you have that bring you closer to you? That inspire you. That stretch you. That maybe you aren’t the greatest at but the fact that you tried it makes you feel like a rock star.
Spend some time creating these sides of you. I know first hand how it can be just starting out in your profession or starting out in your life as a parent. There’s so much to experience, so much to learn…and there are more parts of you too…more parts of you that make up the whole you! Spend time setting some goals to nurture those parts too.
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