You're in the right place if you're ready for change in your life! If you're just starting out as a therapist, or about to graduate your professional counseling program, and need help navigating what self care means to you as you enter this new stage not only in your professional life but also as it relates to your life as a mom, wife, private practice business owner...
Wake up each day ready to live your best life. Don't wait for tomorrow...today IS your tomorrow.
I offer self care coaching and mindset coaching for highly motivated new therapists wanting change and needing help with starting a new profession, homelife, and relationships. Wanting to learn how to set boundaries so you can say no to the things that don’t inspire, give energy or bring joy, and yes to all that does. For anyone wanting to de-clutter from the inside-out. Wanting to learn how your thoughts work so you can have more freedom and joy in your life.
Self Care Mindset
- ∙ Physical Self Care
- ∙ Relationship Self Care
- ∙ Professional Self Care
- ∙ Psychological Self Care
- ∙ Emotional Self Care
- ∙ Spiritual Self Care
∙ Coaching for New Therapists Just Starting Out
∙ Coaching for Motivated Individuals Wanting Personal Growth & Self Care
Let’s Connect
You do so much for others, now it's time for you!
Let's Work Together
Anna McElearney
"Hi, I'm Anna. I'm so glad you're here. This site is dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. Your goals as a new therapist, new business owner and goals in life. You help so many, that I hope my work (and this site) can help you take time to focus on you. On what you need to care for you so you can keep shining bright!