Mental Consumption and Your Self Care
Wanted to talk today about mental consumption. What are you mentally consuming and how is it impacting you.
What are you putting into your mind each day?
Is it inspiring you? Is it helping you?
Or, is it bringing you down, impacting your mood?
However you are mentally consuming, whether it’s through podcasts, news, books, magazines…what messages are being brought into your life through mental consumption.
This also includes what you’re listening to including conversations. Talks you have with friends, family, peers, colleagues. What messages are surrounding you?
Are they nourishing your self care or are they no longer suited for you and maybe some boundaries need to start being set.
Are you needing more space for your own self care and quieting the noise around you. And realizing it might be a season in your life where you decide to limit the messages that are no longer suit you.
Self Care and Outside Messages
Mental consumption and self care impact your daily routines. It can also impact how you see things and what you pay attention to. This is why starting to notice what is it that occupies most of what you listen to or let in each day can help you decide if it’s best suited for the you – you are nurturing.
There’s a saying about: “what you put your attention to or awareness on, grows.”
What is it that you want to grow in your life? And where can you begin focusing so that you are inspiring yourself. Allowing laughter in. Allowing love and friendship in.
While it’s important to keep up with important issues, there can be a limit to how much to take in on a daily basis. And, only you know what is enough or the right amount for you.
It starts with awareness and then finding balance. What is the balance you need around what you are mentally consuming and your self care. So that you can fill your cup and thrive.
Self Care Coaching
If you need help setting boundaries around what messages are surrounding you, please reach out.
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