Power of Focusing on One Thing at a Time
As a mama and an entrepreneur it can be second nature to find myself doing multiple things at the same time. Or at least…thinking about doing multiple things as I’m trying to do other things! (Does that make sense?!)
But I have to say…never underestimate the power of Sesame Street! (How’s that for a sharp right turn?)
For all of the mamas out there, do y’all ever watch Sesame Street with your kiddos? I love Sesame Street. Always have. Since I was little I remember watching it but now as a mama, I see it with different eyes. And honestly, the learning power of this wonderfully educational show, never ceases to amaze me. It’s a gem, not just for kiddos but for adults too! π
One morning about a year or so ago, we had Sesame Street on and I heard them talking about focusing on “one thing at a time.”
I think they’re on to something! It’s funny how when you put your attention onto something you tend to see or hear about it all around. Well…after watching that show and absorbing this simple lesson. I started listening to a business podcast and they were talking about a book, I don’t know the name but it might be titled “The One Thing.” (Not sure). But, they were advocating this same thing!
Just focus on one thing at a time.
One Thing for Your Life / Your Business
At first I thought, one thing at a time?…Ugh, that’s going to make my list of to-do’s even longer and I won’t be as productive. Then I decided to experiment with it.
I was making the bed and thought, ah, I get it. I can’t be washing the dishes or doing administrative work on my business while I’m making the bed (for example.) I’m just focused on making the bed. And that’s important to me because this one thing (making the bed as a simple example) helps me feel more organized and creates a warm and welcoming feel in our home.
I started to get it!
I have to say…putting my attention and awareness on doing one thing at a time has really made a difference! I am actually more productive!
It is a little bit of a retraining the mind but once you start, I think you’ll start noticing the positive effects.
Present Focused Attention for Your Business & Life
For anyone reading this who is starting out creating and developing a business or maybe it’s some change in your life, take one small task and bring your attention and awareness onto that task. Once that’s done, then focus on the next. It works.
Business Focus Example:
For example, if you’re about to launch your private practice, or any business, put your energy and awareness on one thing that will then help make the next step in the process easier.
When I was starting my private practice for example, I put my initial focus on creating my website. I started with a vision of what I wanted it to look like. What I wanted the user experience to be like when they searched my website. How I was going to communicate my expertise and how I could help. During this time, I just did this. When my mind started wandering toward how will I accept payment? Or, what phone system am I going to use? Or what’s my no show policy going to be? I took those thoughts and jotted them down – because they are important and need to be addressed but just not then!
After jotting them down, I turned back toward my computer and continued what I was doing. Focusing on creating my website content on how I can help. (This is just one example of how focusing on one thing, allowed me to keep moving forward and accomplishing what I needed to then move on toward the next thing and so on…)
*Important bonus tip: In my opinion, it’s more important to get your private practice (or any business you are creating) information up and out there rather than obsessing about website page colors, pictures, etc. In other words, try to resist having it be PERFECT before you launch. Instead go with the mantra of ahhh, look at that…it’s GOOD ENOUGH…and that’s great!
Because you’re going to keep tweaking and creating. But if you don’t launch and wait until things are PERFECT (which, really…when is that?!) you’re not able to provide your specific services to those who are wanting your help…in other words, let your light shine! Get it out there!
Mama Life Example:
In my home life…One word illustrates focusing on one thing in so many ways!
I really love organizing but it can be so overwhelming at times. And what I’ve found is when I look at everything that needs to be decluttered, cleaned and organized, it can be so overwhelming. Making me want to retreat and not do it. But then, I take a breath and think, if I spent just 10 minutes in x room, it would look better than it does now! And for all you mamas out there…you know that when you say 10 minutes, it usually ends up being longer! (At least for me)
So, in the midst of feeling overwhelm, I do it anyway! I pick just one thing to focus on.
For example, I was recently organizing our home office. And in my overwhelm moment, I decided to focus on just one thing. And that one thing was grouping everything into categories. Things that go together.
I grouped like things together, or things that I felt go together. And that created a visual opportunity for me to then (after that step was done) decide where each group needed to go.
It’s still a work in progress because similar to the business example…organizing is something that is continuous. But it feels really good to just take a step. And that step will be worth it. That will offer momentum toward looking and feeling better than it did 10 minutes ago. π
Then you can go back again at another time and decide what tweaks need to be made…but in the meantime, you can feel more relaxed and less stressed because you took a step forward and focused on one thing that will make everything else that follows easier to tackle…
What’s your one thing going to be today? Try it out. I’d love to know how it works for you and if it’s helpful to you…
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